Monday, November 22, 2010

How green i'm

The global warming is an often topic in schools this days, that’s because there are many climatic changes in the world.

So many people learn about environmentally practices in schools, in the news, in TV or internet.
I have lucky because my school was very green, they teach us how to take care the environment and how important is the recycling process, every classroom had four different dump, one for the organic stuff, another for the plastic, one for the aluminum and one for the glass. In the garden was a big dump that was for throwing papers.

So now days me and my boyfriend recycle in house, sometimes we used some stuff to make crafts or others things. We made with plastic bottles little’s masseters. Also we did not have a car so we prefer to walk or to use a bike to move from one place to another, sometimes we have to use a bus but that’s because some distances are very long and we need to get faster.

I don’t joined to any eco-organizations, actually I don’t like any kind of organizations I think that’s because most of them forget the main point why they former the organization and the only thing they want is power. Others organization I like it but I think I have not found the right one for me yet.

I think there is a lot to do yet to make a conscience about the topic, not all schools in Santiago and Chile generally touch the topic because they prefer to spend time teaching math, language or science because that are subjects that will help students to make money but they forget that if we don’t take care our environment we can’t live.

So maybe is important that the state makes sure that schools make some time to explain children why we have to care our planet, and the importance of the environmentally friendly practices.

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